unsolved : the deaths of kris kremers and lisanne froon

Kris Kremers, aged 21, was described as an artistic, intelligent young woman who recently completed her studies in Cultural Social Education specialising in Art Education at the University of Utrecht. Lisa Froon, aged 22, was also described as an intelligent lady who was a passionate volleyball player of whom had just graduated with a degree in Applied Sciences from Deventer. Both women grew up in Amersfoort, Netherlands and moved in together in a dorm room a few weeks before their trip. They were friends prior to this and worked in the same cafe before saving up for six months in order to go on a trip to Panama. The purpose of their travels was learning Spanish, volunteer work especially with children and as a reward for Froon for graduating.

Kremers and Froon arrived in Panama for a six-week vacation on March 15, 2014. They toured around Panama for two weeks before travelling to Boquete on March 29 to volunteer with children whilst staying with a host family. On April 1, the girls and the family dog went on a hike at 11am by the forests that surrounded the Baru volcano, not far from Boquete. Sources state a Facebook post was uploading informing friends they intended to walk around Boquete. Other reports state they had been seen eating with two, young Dutchmen before they went on the trail, however, there are no reports confirming these allegations.

The host family became slightly alarmed when the dog returned home that evening without the two young women, however, they did not think much of this. Froon's parents stopped receiving messages from her via Whatsapp, which both girls used to keep in contact with their parents daily. On April 2, the girls had arranged to meet with their trail tour guide at 8am. When they did not arrive, he and a lady he was with visited the house to find their belongings and no sign of their return. They later decided to report the girls missing. The next day, Sistema Nacional de Proteccion Civil began aerial searches over the forest at 8am and local tribes and farmers around Boquete also began land searches. On April 6, the parents of both girls flew over from The Netherlands along with police, dog units and detectives to complete a 10-day full search of the forest. Despite this, they were not found and the parents eventually offered a $30,000 reward for anybody who could help identify their whereabouts.

Around 10 weeks after the search, a local woman turned a backpack into the local authorities, she claimed to have found it whilst tending her rice paddy by a riverbank in her village of Alto Romero and stated that the backpack had not been there the day before. The backpack was identified as belonging to Froon and contained 2 pairs of sunglasses, $83 cash, Froon's passport, a water bottle, 2 bras, Froon's Canon Powershot SX270 camera, Froon's Samsung Galaxy SIII and Kremer's iPhone 4. Everything in the backpack was well packed and dry.

Investigators accessed the logs on the women's phones and discovered both had made multiple attempts to contact the emergency services. The first was at 4:39pm on Kremer's phone and then at 4:51pm on Froon's, both dialling 112 on April 1. On April 2, Froon dialled 112 at 6:58am, and later at 10:53am where she also rang 911, Kremer then dialled 112 at 6:14pm. On April 3, Kremer rang 911 at 9:33am which lasted just over a second before breaking up, there was a lack of reception which is why the girls never got through. Kremer's signal was checked twice on April 4, yet was not checked on Froon's phone. On April 5, Kremer's checked her signal twice, and Froon checked hers once with the battery going dead at 5:56am with no further activity. On April 6, Kremer's signal was checked twice and on April 11 it was checked once, with multiple attempts to input the incorrect pin. The phone never received the correct pin, and the phone was turned off at 11:56am on April 11 for the last time.

Froon's camera contained photos from April 1, which showed that the girls had taken a trail at the overlook of the Continental Divide and wandered into some wilderness with no signs of anything unusual, this was not long before their first attempt to reach the emergency services. On April 8, the camera was used again to take 90 flash photos between 1am and 4am at a rate of a photo per two minutes. Most of the photos were taken in deep jungle and in near complete darkness, however, a few photos suggest they may have been near a river. Some of the visible photos show a twig with plastic bags and candy wrappers on top of a rock, and according to reports, another shows the back of Kremer's head which may show blood near her temples. It is unknown what the meaning of these photos are, they may have been an accident or an attempt at the documentation of where they were at the time.

The discovery of the backpack set off a new wave of intense searches, with two Ngobe women from a search party finding Kremer's jean shorts zipped and folded on a rock a few kilometres away from where the backpack was discovered. Two months later, close to where the backpack was found, a boot with a foot inside was found along with part of a pelvis bone. In a short time span, 33 bones were discovered with DNA testing in The Netherlands confirming they were the bones of Froon and Kremer.

It is unknown what truly happened to the girls, and with the lack of bones, no cause of death has been found. There are multiple theories surrounding what may have happened to them, with the first being that the men they were supposedly seen with on the day of their disappearance followed them into the woods with the idea of robbing or sexually assaulting them, resulting in their deaths. However, all of their belongings were found and this does not explain them accessing their phones after April 1. The second theory is that someone else attempted to rob or kidnap or assault the girls which then lead to their deaths. Although many people have said due to their location this would not have been possible, there is a chance the girls were transported from the forest to a second location with their bodies later being returned. This is believed by many due to the fact their bras were found in the backpack, there were little hiking supplies, the lady believes that the backpack was not in the same spot the day before and Kremer's pants were found on a rock, along with the fact that if a natural disaster / they were in immediate danger they would not have had the time to ring emergency services and if they were lost/hurt, they could have recorded this on their phones.

Thirdly, some believe this may have been a suicide as they did not attempt at contacting their parents, they did not take many hiking supplies and their belongings were found packed and dry. However, this does not explain the attempts at contacting the emergency services. Finally, and the most plausible conclusion to their deaths is that they became lost, possibly falling down a slope and becoming stuck. This explains the attempts to ring for help, and the incorrect pin codes, as Kremer's may have become tired whilst trying to call. It may also explain the photos, as they may have tried to document their whereabouts. Although the fact their phones were neatly packed along with their bras, and no documentation of them being in trouble seems strange it does not rule out a freak accident. Those who are experts in the area that they went missing have stated that the part of the forest shown in the photos is very deep and unlikely to be accessed by a lot of people. Search teams have stated that 'The geographical conditions, social conditions and technical facts which have surfaced during the forensic investigation suggest a crime such as a robbery, a sexual offence, an act of violence or kidnapping is highly unlikely'. This explanation seems to be widely accepted, with Kremer's family coming forwards and confirming they believe that this is what happened to their daughter, yet it is unknown if the truth will ever be discovered.

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