five tips for treating yourself on a budget

Treating yourself is important, whether or not it be to a simple chocolate bar or a trip to the cinema, buying something you love to give yourself a little happiness is a key to living a better life. As a student with little income, I find it difficult to afford to treat myself around all the things I am required to pay for. I spend a lot of my time hunting for deals or reduced items just so that I can give myself that little bit of joy. Today I am going to share with you my top tips for treating yourself on a budget.

1- Find yourself a free treat- Treating yourself may not be about purchasing something, it may simply be sleeping in a little extra on the weekends or going for a walk in your favourite park. Spending time doing things you love and taking care of yourself definitely counts as treating yourself and it is something everyone could do a lot more often!

2- Look in charity shops- This is especially good if you are a reader/enjoy watching movies, or even if you just want to treat yourself to some new clothes. Charity shops can hold some amazing items at very discounted prices, a very effective way of treating yourself to something new even when you are on a budget. You may also get a personal reward in the fact you are helping charity, something else that can build your happiness.

3- Save your pennies- A long-term tip, but a tip none the less. Put your pennies in a pot and store them for a rainy day. Think of it as your treat jar, it may take you a little while to build up however you will not be spending money you need. Every time you get 3p change, find a penny on the floor or your friend is giving the pennies she doesn't want to keep in her purse, put it in a jar. Eventually, you will have enough to treat yourself to something, whether or not it be a simple chocolate bar or an item of makeup.

4- Look for deals- Whether or not it be online offers, in-store offers, coupons or voucher codes, hunting for deals can save you a whole lot of money! It may take you a little time, however, you can find some amazing money off vouchers on the internet which will allow you to treat yourself to something new, even if you are on a bit of a budget. This applies to freebies as well! If you are in store and they are giving away tasters or you are online and free sample products are being given away, jump at the opportunity. No matter how little it is, I guarantee it will probably bring you some form of happiness. You could even enter online giveaway's too see if you have any luck in winning them, I guess it doesn't hurt to try right? I have a giveaway currently happening on my Twitter, it should be the pinned tweet, go have a look!

5- Use what you already have- If you have a few face masks and some relaxing music, have a spa day with friends. If you have a bottle of wine and a candle, having a romantic dinner at home with your other half. Treating yourself does not only involve buying new things, but using the things you already have to your advantage. Not only will this save you some money, it should also bring you a lot of joy in the process.

Try not to stress about money, sometimes the situation you are in cannot be changed and the best thing to do is to learn how to cope with treating yourself in different ways. How do you treat yourself either on a budget or not? I would love to know!


  1. These tips are amazing! Lovely blog post, Elise!😊

    Shirley |

  2. Lovely blogpost! We really don't need much money to treat ourselves xx
    thedecemberdame. com

  3. I love the last few lines on your blog post regarding coping with your current situation instead changing it. I also am a believer in saving money and making the most of the freebies and discounts available. This is great I did do a blog post about money talks, hope yoh could drop by 🙊☺️

  4. These are some great money saving tips!

  5. Love this! I’m trying to save for the deposit on a house but I like to treat myself too much. Thanks for the tips!

  6. Love these! I do most of these myself, actually. While not AS broke as I used to be I'm still very frugal. I love using what I have already--thats what i do most often. I alternate between making myself a nice, healthy, and artsy meal with some candles and a show or doing an at home spa day---like you suggested. <3


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