have i got an sti?

In 2015 the total number of new STI diagnoses in England was 434,4456.

Young people are more likely to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection, with heterosexual 16-24 year-olds accounting for 62% of chlamydia cases, 52% of gonorrhoea, 51% of genital warts and 41% of genital herpes diagnoses.

An STI is an infection that is passed through people during the act of sex. This may happen through vaginal, oral or anal sex. Regardless of the number of people you have engaged in sexual activity in, if you do not take the correct precautions you could become infected.

Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI diagnoses in England, with it accounting for around 42% of all STI's diagnosed in 2015. Around 70% of affected females and 50% of affected males will not have any obvious signs or symptoms, meaning the infection can go undiagnosed for a long period of time. Gonorrhoea is the second most common STI, particularly in young adults, which can cause a range of fertility issues to both females and males. Genital warts are the most common viral sexually transmitted infection which is caused by the HPV virus. After the 2008 introduction of the HPV vaccine programme, the rate of new diagnoses has been slowly decreasing, however, young males especially are the most likely to be affected by this virus.

In many cases, symptoms of STI's are not present. However, warning signs for a possible infection include vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal bleeding, pain when you pass urine, swelling of glands in your groin and a sore, ulcer or rash in either your vagina/penis/anus area.

If you suspect you have an STI, you can visit your GP who can carry out a range of tests to determine the issue. Yet, GUM clinics specifically designed for looking into sexually transmitted infections are more effective, to find one local to you simply ring your GP or look online.

If you have been diagnosed with an STI, the clinic assists you with contacting your previous sexual partners if possible in order to prevent the infection from being spread further. Dependent on the sexually transmitted infection you have acquired you will either be treated at the clinic or given a prescription which is vital that you finish.

In order to prevent the spread of STI's, it is essential that people have safe sex.

Before you have sexual relations with a possible partner, ensure that you have both been tested in order to check you are both clear. Be sure to always use condoms when having sex, you can collect them from a pharmacy for free. If you have any indication that you may have an STI, or you know you have come in contact with someone who is infected contact your local GP and do not engage in sexual activity until you have been given the all clear. It is important to have these conversations with sexual partners, as sexually transmitted infections can have dire effects on a persons life. For example, lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical cancer and infertility.

If you do not feel comfortable speaking with your sexual partner openly about engaging in safe sex, you should not have sex with them. These conversations save the lives of people, and it is causing a decrease in the number of new STI diagnoses every year. After every new sexual partner, ensure that you get yourself tested. There are even free or paid home test kits which allow you to personally discover if you have an infection. Not treating it not only has negative effects on yourself but everyone else that you come in sexual contact with.

For the record, I do not have an STI. I just think it is important that we speak openly about engaging in safe sex, everyone has sex so why not talk about it, and that people are aware of the dangers of not taking care of their sexual health. It is as important as your physical health, don't ignore it.

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  1. I agree! It's really important to talk about STIs! 😊

    Shirley | https://shirleycuypers.blogspot.be

  2. Such an informative post! STIs are not discussed enough!


  3. Great insightful post! It's important to talk about this issue xx

  4. The fact you had to reassure people you don't have an STI, as per the line "For the record, I do not have an STI", is exactly what is wrong with this world. Very informative work, and some that is incredibly important! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great way to spread awareness. I think this is a topic that people often avoid! It’s just wise to watch your sexual health!


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